In calculating Child Support, in addition to your regular or retirement pay, the following pay is included:
- Housing Allowance
- Sea or Flight Pay
- Retirement Pay
- Social Security
- V. A. Benefits (Yes, despite what others have told you, VA pay is included in child support calculations. Some of you will argue this point. Make an appointment and I will show you why it is included).
You will still be governed by the child support requirements under the general Divorce/Child Support for the state of Florida. FYI: Based on the child support formula, it is almost always cheaper, if possible, to use day care. A major problem which can affect both the payer and recipient of child support is when the support should begin.
If you are involved in the initial Divorce proceeding the payer's obligation begins, at the minimum, when the divorce is filed and/or you no longer live together with the child/children. The separation date may predate the filing of the divorce petition. You need an attorney’s advice to ascertain your obligation. If you wait until the final hearing, you may have to pay ongoing child support plus a court ordered amount each month to satisfy an arrearage plus interest.
If you are active duty military, the JAG manual (navy page) will specify what you must pay to continue to support your family until further court order. A temporary hearing could reduce the amount of child support that you have been direct to may pay military orders or rules.